Who We Are
Medical Venturers and Medical Rovers is a specialized Scouting program with a primary vocational focus on Paramedic or other Health Care professions. The Medical Venturer and Medical Rover program provides youth and young adults with first aid & CPR training as well as orientation in EMS procedures.
If you’re looking for a career as a paramedic, other medical careers or just a specialized skill set with an experience that looks good on a resume this is a great opportunity!

What Do Medical Venturers and Rovers Do?
- Provide First Aid to Scouting and Community events
- Participate in parades as a member of Scouts Canada
- Assist with public relations events
- Help youth find the right path to EMS or other medical careers
- Involve the outdoors as much as we can in our activities
- Help Beavers, Cubs and Scouts receive first aid oriented badges
- Have Fun!